

The Colonial Gun Star
is the pinnacle of combat engineering design. When Colonial engineers started drawing up the blue prints for this military
vessel the goal was simple. Develop a ship able to bring the fight literally to the enemy foot steps and knock on the door.
After several design developments Cygus Ship Yard (CSY) created a marvel master piece meeting Colonial Military Fleet exact
specifications. Every aspect of war was used and incorporated into the Gun Star making it a multi-purpose/role ship. Its redesigned
weapons system gives this ship its muscle making it superior in firepower. Enabling this warship to handle various missions
its overall design makes this ship fast and highly maneuverable yet long-endurance in combat.
Primary mission of the Cygnus Class Gun Star is as follows intended to escort or give direct support of larger
military vessels in the fleet, convoy or battle group and defend them. It's secondary mission to perform as a Command
Control and Communications platform.
Gun Star Class: CYGNUS
There are five
different types of Classifications for each Gun Star in operation. You are the Chapter leader and as such you can choose the
"Classification". For CDF HQ purposes and easier tracking all Gun Star chapters will fall under CYGNUS
CLASSIFICATIONS: -Defender -Vanguard -Strike -Escort -Patrol

-Defender: This type is the heart and fury of the Cygnus Class designed for
long hard engagements with the enemy with hardened hull. Unlike Battlestars who have re-enforced hull plating on specific
areas of the outer hull. These area which have extra hull plating are either vital system and secondary. The Gun Star itself
has heavier armor allowing it continuing combat operations despite massive damage. Although it is not invincible it does have
a breaking point. Just like every ship designed in the Colonial Fleet. There is a limit on how much pounding the structural
integrity of a ship can handle. On board system in engineering as well as CIC give immediate notification alert. Automated
system kick on line and begin cutting off key system unless countermanded. This system has been built into every Gun Star
Classification in order to ensure combat readiness. The weapons system is state of the art in artificial intelligence. Capable
of firing at enemy targets and allowing stoppage gaps when the system detects a Colonial Dradis Identify Friend Foe contact
signature. This key of engineering marvel helps save pilots. Who in the past may have been shot down by friendly fire during
combat against large number of Cylon fighters.
hull is actually comprised of two components an outer hull and inner hull. This unique design element also allows for extended
battles or entering a planets atmosphere (Will discuss in depth later in the manual). The
outer hull is composed from a combination of Duranium and Tritanium alloys. It can withstand several missile hits depending
on the type of missiles being used by the enemy. This combination is incorporated into the Defender, Vanguard and Strike classifications
only. The Escort and Patrol classifications have light armoring.
Nuclear Weapons System (NWS) Not every Gun Star classification will carry nuclear missiles. The NWS is a
seek and destroy targeting system providing on the fly guidance control until the weapon reaches it target. A firing solution
must be established in order to fire either conventional or nuclear missiles. This of course can be overridden by the tactical
officer if so ordered by the CO. Any release of nuclear weapons must be authorized by Fleet Command. If the ship is engaged
in combat authorization falls under the Commanding Officer. Both the CO and XO must enter firing codes in order to fire nuclear
weapons. A firing key is placed into the tactical console located center CIC. In order to commence nuclear missile operations
the order must be acknowledged by the XO and concurred. The Gun Star has a total of 12 Missile hatches located on its upper
hull. Each missile silo contains 3 nuclear missiles in it for tactical release. The ship is equipped with conventional missiles
as well for ship to ship engagement. Also to destroy smaller ships, hardened structure or ground targets from a close / greater
distance. Conventional missile batteries are located on the port and starboard side of the ship near the mid section.
You will find them on the Defender and Vanguard classifications in the Colonial Fleet.
The Cygnus engineers wanted to add teeth to the ship design by adding Rail guns to Colonial Gun Star.
Rail guns provide some serious point defense screens and counter measure. This is Kenetic Energy Weapon (KEW) protects the
vessel against incoming projectiles such as missiles and flak barrage. Computerized on board system linked to lateral and
ventral sensors identify and evaluate threats. The system can then assign priorities to each target with on the fly by wire
telemetry in order to destroy the incoming threat. Weapons array can be set to either fire (Single, Salvo or Full battle mode).
Even though the system can be manually operated by crews they can not match acquisition time and firing sequences.
The rail gun fires armor piercing rounds at super high velocities allowing for deep penetration. While
simultaneously detonating its encased high yield explosive with crippling effects. The Gun Star point defensive batteries
are multi-role for either defense or offensive measure contingent on the ship mission or tactical position. Also has a Closed-In
Weapons System (CWIS). Kinetic Energy Weapons (KEW) are found in same area as the missile batteries. Rail guns
can be found on the Defender, Vanguard and Escort classification enabling these ships to be faster than their other sister
Another defensive feature built into
the Cygnus is Flak Cannons. The cannons are another method used against enemy forces. Whether used to damage Cylon ships or
to knock down missile attacks. Weapon system is composed of large cannons which use specialized ammunition designed to explode
and release metal fragment a circular diameter. Another type of defensive screen though its does take time to fire the weapon
and reload it. Another feature incorporated into the Gun Star is making the weapon automated. The Flak rounds are large and
not easily handled so response time is a bit slow, but gun crews have mastered the technique. A cannon crew can fire up 4
to 6 round every 2 minutes give or take using mechanical hoisting systems. The Flak Cannon has massive destructive power and
as such is deadly component to its arsenal.
There are countermeasures incorporated to every Colonial ship in the Fleet. The Cygnus
Class Gun Star is no exception to this rule. A Gun Star Countermeasure System (GCM) is designed to prevent sensor-based weapons
from acquiring and/or destroying a target. As a defensive and offensive system it can be switch from Electronic Counter Measure,
Electronic Counter-Counter Measure and or just standard Countermeasure mode. GCM works by detecting any electronic system
which emit energy signature that alter the electromagnetic, acoustic or other signature/s of a target thereby altering the
tracking and sensing behavior of an incoming threat such as missiles and nuclear devices are classified or designated softkill
tactical measures. Hardkill targeting is based on incoming
physical counterattack of an inbound threat thereby destroying a target or craft carrying heavy weapons. Such classifications
fall under the ship Weapons Officer (WEPS). The GCM can be found on the following Gun Star as per designed and Colonial Military
requirements Defender, Vanguard, Strike, Escort and Patrol.
The Gun Star is high maneuverable ship in ever respect of the word. The outer hull has
multiple Reaction Control Thrusters (RCS). Enabling the ship to pitch, roll, yaw in direction smoothly and efficiently. A
total of 32 RCS Thrusters give the Cygnus all the capability of maneuvering whether at normal or high speeds. Tested against
attack drones and missile barrage. The Gun Star was able to out run / maneuver from the attack with devastating results. Of
course these high G maneuvers are not with repercussions the hull integrity does have it limits. The on board computer system
also monitors hard points throughout the ship making it possible to point areas which may have structural weakness or near
breaking point. Out of all the classifications the Strike model did the best in overall structural integrity due to it reinforced
inner frame core. All Gun Stars have Reaction Control Thrusters (RCS).
There are four engines operating as one, but can independently. Between the outer hull
and inner combat suppression insulating anti-fragmentation foam exist. Should enemy fighters attack the engines it will provided
some protection. Unless it’s a direct missile attack regardless of warhead. As an enhance design feature high speed
engines were developed and housed in the Patrol and Escort classifications.
The Gun Star has a communications system that rivals its Colonial Fleet counter parts.
When communications experts first began designing the communications array only one thought came to mind, “Warn
the Fleet!” Obviously no corners were cut nor budget cost at Cygnus Ship yard (CSY) location: CLASSIFIED
The system was designed to do the following collect, present, manage, evaluate and disseminate information from either
ship to ship, or Fleet Command. It can also transmit information via data burst using, “Colonial Military Secure Channels”
If the ship should ever be destroyed and time willing before destruction it can launch a comms bouy. (More will be
listed in the manual)


Scale: L: 695m W: 280m H: 93m Tonnage:
Variable Speed: Variable
Power: Primary tylium energizers and advanced fusion
reactors and generators. 2 reactors, 1 backup reactor, Auxillary Battery. Tylium fueled equipped and separate tanks for Solium
fuel. FTL capable its jump range differs, but max is 80 before needing to refuel.
Crew Compliment:
Crew: 800 Fleet Officer: 64 Marine Officer: 24 Fleet Enlisted: 600 Marine Enlisted: 112
Turrets 6 Dorsal center-line, 4 Forward ventral, 4 Port flight pod and 4 Starboard flight pod. -Rail Guns: 20 total (10
on the port and starboard side) Multi-purpose. -Flak Cannons: 5 Port and 5 Starboard. -Missiles: 12 Dorsal hatches,
6 Tubes each (Nuclear Warheads). -Conventional Missiles: Ship to Ship. Housed in the mid-section of the ship where -4
Large Cannons on the bow of the ship.
Passenger Capacity: 50
Cargo Capacity:
Shipboard Consumables: 12 to 24, 36 months fuel, food, ammo, air depending on mission criteria.
engine types: FTL Equipped, 4 sub-light engines, 32 RCS units
Hull Design type: Cygnus Class
Small Ship Compliment: -24 Raptors -6 Shuttles
The hangar
bay can house a few extras ship as backs or storage for visiting ships on long distance missions. Also has 12 maintenance
bay for repairs to small ships only.
Damage Control System: automated firefighting capability, managed
by the Boroton Mist / Foam / Liquid control center. DCS has three stations the main is located in engineering, Secondary located
in CIC and Auxiliary is forward of the landing control station. All ships in the Fleet have Damage Control Teams (DCT). These
teams are part of the engineering department and are charged with the safety of the ship and are tasked with fire and rescue.

